The Lovita® orchards

The Lovita® orchards

Born from will and passion

Genesis of the Lovita® network, an ethical organisation that brings together
nurserymen, producers and packaging and shipping professionnals.

Lovita® is a tale of chance encounters, passion and luck! After learning about this new variety of plum, nurserymen-producers Sébastien RISPE and Benoit ESCANDE put it to the test in their orchards of Moissac (82, France). They soon had a sense of what the future could hold for such fruit, which is delicious, visually surprising, and can be kept for many weeks without any alteration. They shared the information in their circle and, together with professionals in the fruit sector, they decided to develop the Lovita® organisation. This would enable them to offer consumers a high-end plum. This organisation is committed to implementing environmental and human best practices.

Our Producers

They are on board for the adventure!
Our producers are men and women from the regions of Occitanie and Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur in France. They were among the first to plant Lovita® trees. After 3 years of effort, they have been rewarded : the first harvests are coming in. The trees are now fully producing, and quality is as expected. With the support of Lovita® technicians, they implement all the practices known in the sector in order to achieve optimal fruit and tree quality while preserving the environment. Today, the organisation has nearly 30 authorised French Lovita® producers across 100 hectares of orchards.



Jérôme CAPEL


Nadège ICHES

Sébastien RISPE

Our Nurserymen

They are the starting point.
Two Lovita®-authorised nurserymen are responsible for producing trees for the entire organisation. The quality of Lovita® plums is dependent on tree quality and appropriate soil preparation. Specific cultivation practices provide the best conditions for planting and for feeding roots in order to enhance tree development. Only authorised nurserymen may provide the trees required throughout the Lovita® organisation.

Land activity calendar

January: Planting

For new plots, January is the ideal time for planting. The sap has flowed down and the trees are resting. This will give them a chance to slowly take to their new environment.

January: Tree pruning

Trees are due to be pruned on existing plots. Giving them structure will make them stronger and foster fruiting.

March/ April: The first flowers bloom

This is the most high-risk period! Producers must protect trees from freeze. They water the trees during the night in order to create a frozen film which will protect the buds and the first fruits from sudden temperature drops. At this point, the bees are beginning to pollinate.

April/August: Formation of the fruits

The fruits are finally taking shape! Beware of storms and hail! It is a requirement that all Lovita® orchards be protected by nets. Weekly monitoring takes place in order to watch over the newborns. Mini Lovita® plums are now the center of attention.

July-August : Lovita® is taking colours and making sugar

Summer has arrived, Lovita® is growing and basking in the sun. It has now got its first tan, the first mottled hues appear as sugar builds up. Regular tests are carried out to assess the firmness of the fruit and measure the sugar level. Being a fruit variety originally from the Valley of Jordan in Israel, Lovita® is not troubled by the summer heat. It also requires little water.

August: It’s Harvest Time!

When the plums show the required sugar levels and firmness, the harvest is launched – generally towards the end of the month. Within a period of 15 days, all the plums in the PACA and Occitanie regions are harvested, then taken to packaging stations where they are washed, sized and placed in their respective cardboard boxes. Ready for shipping!

How to recognise Lovita® ?

Mottled skin, pointy top, large size… Lovita® plums are easily identified by their specific features. Find out more about all the things that make it a truly unique fruit!